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    SOMETHING FOR ALL: Horsham Country Women’s Association members, from left, Bev Shalders, Carol Smithett, Merlyne Phelan, Marlene Schmidt, Elaine Starick and Cathy Isaacson, with items association members have made and will donate. Picture: BRONWYN HASTINGS

Horsham CWA shares donation

Horsham Country Women’s Association members have used a substantial wool donation to benefit people across the state.

From premature babies to cancer patients, bushfire victims and those affected by family violence, the donation paired, with the Country Women’s Association, CWA, volunteers’ skills and time, have positively impacted them all.

CWA charity officer and craft leader Bev Shalders said the wool, donated to the group by the family of a late wool shop owner, was made into a variety of items.

“We have knitted beanies for Horsham Cancer Centre patients, teddies for pathology and ambulance, slippers and caps for premature babies, rugs for people affected by the Pomonal fire, and we have sewn patchwork quilts for the Royal Children’s Hospital,” she said.

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Assisted by CWA friend group, Church of Christ ladies, handmade donations have been sent across the state to people in need.

“We are very grateful to the friends who help us out,” Mrs Shalders said.

The Horsham CWA welcomes women of all ages to attend its meetings – a craft meeting is on the second Friday and a regular meeting is on the first Friday of each month, both at 1.30pm at the Smith Street, Horsham hall. 

– Bronwyn Hastings

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