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    STORIES TO SHARE: Film-maker Leila McDougall, of Tatyoon near Ararat, will be guest speaker at a Wimmera Women Connect event in Horsham on May 22.

Just a Farmer film-maker guest at Horsham breakfast

Wimmera women will have a chance to hear from an inspirational regional farmer and film-maker during a breakfast in Horsham on May 22.

Tatyoon farmer, screen writer and actor Leila McDougall will recount how her mental health campaign led to development of the feature film ‘Just a Farmer’.

The event, titled ‘Not Just a Farmer, Breakfast with Leila McDougall’, will provide a chance for Wimmera people to hear from this passionate campaigner for agriculture and suicide prevention.

Mrs McDougall’s journey to ‘Just a Farmer’ was aired on ABC’s Australian Story last week.

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She is no stranger to taking on and achieving challenges including a Mrs Australia competition, fashion awards and participation in an early season of A Farmer Wants a Wife.

The movie illustrates the aftermath of a rural suicide for both the family and the wider community.

Mrs McDougall and her husband Sean helped fund the movie, filmed on their Tatyoon property, and played a range of roles throughout the seven weeks of shooting.

Their daughter Vivien, a pet calf and plenty of local residents also feature in the film.

“As Margo Robbie said – if there are no roles out there you have got to make your own,” Mrs McDougall said.

Wimmera Women Connect chair Jessica Grimble said Mrs McDougall’s inspiring achievements illustrated what could be achieved in regional locations.

“We’ve seen and heard so much about Leila and ‘Not Just a Farmer’ and I know her story of passion, drive and dedication to farmer health and our rural communities will be moving for all who attend,” she said.

The film has been shown at 100 regional cinemas and is now available for streaming at

Tickets to the breakfast cost $25. Bookings are essential and must be made by May 13 at

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