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    Nathan and Alfie, 3, Janetzki, Horsham, at the 20th annual Grampian Model Railroaders Exhibition, in Stawell SES hall last year.

Grampians Model Railroaders’ exhibitionwill return for its 21st year this weekend

Organisers of an annual model-railway exhibition expect ‘a whole new world’ ahead for hobbyists as the creative potentials of modern technology are put to the table.

Grampians Model Railroaders’ Stawell exhibition, the largest in regional Victoria, will return for its 21st year this weekend.

The two-day event at SES Hall on Sloane Street will feature more than 20 Victorian and interstate layouts, more than 10 traders and a modelling competition.

Treasurer Clyde Humphries said organisers aimed to expand and better the exhibition each year, and new technology was one way to do this.

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“It’s a whole new world with all the new technology and three-dimensional printing,” he said.

“Displays that people would have a five-minute look at now have children looking for half an hour, because they want to see that action.

“There’s more lighting and animation, quirky things like fountains and pedalling bikes. As a hobby, it still has a lot to offer.”

Mr Humphries said the exhibit would feature a new layout from Tasmania and second-hand stalls, with Stawell’s Winter Woollies Handmade Market across the road at Stawell Neighbourhood House across the weekend.

The exhibition runs from 9am to 5pm on Saturday and 9.30am to 4pm on Sunday. Adult entry is $10 and children under 16 can attend for free.

The entire July 10, 2019 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!
