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    A BETTER LIFE: New citizen Dharminder Kumar takes a photo of Anita and Alisha, visiting from India, and his family Hemlata, Triha Bhangal and Tanisk Kumar at Horsham Civic Centre. Mayor Robyn Gulline swore in 11 new citizens at the ceremony. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

New citizens welcomed at Horsham

Eleven new Australians from five countries were officially welcomed to the Wimmera, with a citizenship ceremony officiated by Horsham Mayor Robyn Gulline.

Coming from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, China, Wales and India, the new citizens took the final step in the company of family and friends in their journey to become Australians.

Cr Gulline said Horsham’s newest citizens represented a range of backgrounds reflective of the town’s ever-diversifying multicultural community.

“Citizenship represents a commitment to Australia, the values we share, and our common future and it is an honour to be part of such a significant day for these residents who appreciate and value our society so much they wish to make Australia their home.” New citizen Hemlata Kumar said she, her husband and two children came to Horsham from Punjab, India ‘for a better life’.

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“It’s been a big, long struggle for us to reach here, but we are so glad we got this opportunity,” she said.

“My kids and my family have got a better future – we are looking forward to living here as citizens.”

Ms Kumar came to Australia in 2009 to study, and has been in the Wimmera since 2019.

Horsham Rural City Council conducts about six citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs each year – in 2023, there were 55 new citizens naturalised. 

“I always look forward to these events on our civic calendar and getting to meet our municipality’s newest Australian citizens. We are delighted they have chosen to make their permanent homes in our region – the Wimmera is a truly great place to live, especially for families,” Cr Gulline said

“It was terrific to see the room filled with so many happy people and their friends.

“Every new citizen has something special to share and, as a result, our communities and workplaces become stronger because of the culture, knowledge, skills and stories they bring to our region.”

All new citizens receive a native plant as a gift from council to mark the occasion.

The entire July 3, 2024 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!