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  • Hero image
    WELCOME: Coles Horsham staff, in front of a new market-style produce department, are looking forward to sharing the newly renovated store with customers. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
  • Hero image
    WELCOME: Coles Horsham staff, in front of a new market-style produce department, are looking forward to sharing the newly renovated store with customers. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER

New-look Coles store opens opportunities

The official opening of a new-look Coles Horsham supermarket on Thursday next week will also reflect 35 new jobs the upgrade project has created.

The store has undergone a major facelift, from its redeveloped car park to a new layout and services.

New features include a scratch bakery, where bakers will be flipping flatbread while customers shop, and a redeveloped delicatessen, which will provide customers with a greater range of seafood and a selection of cheeses than in the past.

Coles Horsham is the first Coles supermarket in the region to feature a premium DC coffee station, providing a mochi, mini gelato and macaron bar and there is also a pick-and-mix bar for dog enthusiasts.

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Coles Horsham store manager Matthew Kulhan said a new market-style produce department was sure to impress.

He said the department was filled with fresh fruit and vegetables and a large range of ready-to-go convenience meals – including salads, curries and lasagnes – for easy dinners or take-home snacks.

He added that Coles Online was also available, where customers could order their groceries online and save time by picking them up from new dedicated ‘Click and Collect’ bays. The store has also ramped up its commitment to the Horsham community, donating $5000 to Horsham College to help fund a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden at the school.

Mr Kulhan said he was particularly pleased the redevelopment had included a boost to Horsham employment opportunities.  

“After months of construction, we’re excited to be launching our new-look store to Horsham residents and creating dozens of new local jobs in the process,” he said. 

The entire April 28, 2021 edition of The Weekly Advertiser and AgLife is available online. READ IT HERE!