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    Member for Lowan Emma Kealy.

Petition to fight new health mergers

Member for Lowan Emma Kealy is seeking the support of residents through a petition calling on the State Government to drop plans for mega-mergers of health services across regional Victoria.

The government is keeping tight-lipped about the plan but several chief executives of regional health services have confirmed a move that will see rural health services cut from 76 to nine mega services across the state.

In the Grampians region, seven health services including West Wimmera and Rural Northwest, would merge into one entity.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas also confirmed at least 20 health services across Victoria would have their funding slashed – by up to 30 per cent.

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Ms Kealy said the online petition had been launched following confirmation of the funding cuts, leaving many services with no choice but to slash front line services. 

Speaking in Parliament, Ms Kealy said the creation of Grampians Health, which merged four health services, had already led to cuts to vital programs including cancelling the Edenhope dental service and cutting Horsham’s community rehabilitation exercise program.

Ms Kealy said she was aware of more hospitals in Lowan that would be affected by the funding cuts, with management trying to work out how to make the required savings.

 “It will either mean job cuts or services reductions, and most likely both,” she said.

 “Our local emergency departments are already struggling to meet demand, and in many cases failing to meet key performance targets, and the idea that reducing funding would have anything other than a detrimental impact is insulting.”

A State Government statement said the Coalition’s link between hospital funding and Labor’s health services plan was misleading, that they were not related and there was ‘no secret plan’. 

Ms Thomas said in the 2024/25 financial year, more than 25 per cent of the state’s entire budget would be invested into health services, with a total of $20 billion in operational funding to be delivered to hospitals.

“While others are playing politics, we are focused on delivering patients the best care and that is exactly what our record investment into our hospitals will deliver,” she said.

“Unlike the Liberals and Nationals who closed 12 country hospitals, we’re focusing on delivering more doctors and nurses, better facilities and the best possible care to all Victorians no matter where they live.”

Ms Kealy questioned Labor’s priorities.

“Premier Jacinta Allan can find the money for a $200 billion train line in Melbourne but goes missing when asked to find the money to keep local health services up and running,” she said.

“Why do vulnerable and sick Victorians have to pay the price because Labor cannot manage money?” 

People wanting to sign the petition can visit


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