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    HONOUR: Ann Buwalda family members, from left, niece Eve Barnes, sister Pauline Barnes and mum Beth Buwalda attended a Horsham Pony Club presentation at the weekend to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Ann’s death. The family is joined by Georgia and Sophie McLellan. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
  • Hero image
    Ann Buwalda family members, niece Eve Barnes, sister Pauline Barnes and Mum Beth Buwalda visit Horsham Pony Club to commemorate teh 40th anniversary of Ann's death.

Rachel Ball wins Ann Buwalda memorable award

Horsham Pony Club reflected on the 40th anniversary of Ann Buwalda’s death with the presentation of a trophy named in her honour on Sunday.

The club has given out the Ann Buwalda Memorial Trophy every year since Ann’s death in 1978, when the 13-year-old and her horse Rusty were struck and killed by a car.

The award goes to a Horsham Pony Club member who best exemplifies the ideals of clubmanship and sportsmanship.

Rachel Ball was the recipient of this year’s award.

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Club president Geoff Lord described Ball as a ‘wonderful representative’ of the club and a worthy winner.

“She is a very selfless person who is always willing to assist at rallies and has represented our club at a local, zone and state level,” he said.

“She doesn’t seek the limelight with anything she does, but in her own quiet way achieves so much and by doing so makes our club a better place.”

Past winners of the award were on hand to mark its 40th anniversary, and Ann’s mother Beth was in attendance.

She described it as a beautiful way to remember he daughter.

“I’m just so proud of her, and she would be so happy to be remembered,” she said.

“It’s not something you get over, losing a child, but it is something you must learn to live with.

“I was always so proud to read of the trophy in the paper.”