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    Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids member Brendan McKinnon with Bull and Mouth Hotel publicans Dain and Carly Mitchell. WACK will host a fundraiser at the hotel.

WACK lunch to aid families of sick children

UPDATE: Due to logistical reasons, The WACK fund-raising event will now be held on Sunday, July 21. All other details remain the same.



Horsham’s Bull and Mouth Hotel will fire up the barbecue on Sunday, July 21, as charity Wimmera Against Cancer in Kids, WACK, hosts a special fundraiser lunch.

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WACK, which has financially supported Wimmera families with a child battling cancer since 1999, hosts an annual car and bike show as its main fundraiser, but trustee Brendan McKinnon said it had also periodically organised a barbecue event.

He said the group hoped to raise about $7000 at this year’s function, with 100 tickets on sale at $100 per person or $160 for couples.

There will also be a goods and services auction as well as raffle prizes, although Mr McKinnon said the primary focus of the barbecue would simply be having a good time.

“We’ll be doing roast pork and lamb for lunch, and then there’s a goods and services auction and some raffles that will add a little bit of fundraising, [but] it won’t be too much because people are paying to come and have lunch,” he said.

“It’s always a fun day. The last time we did it we had a good time and I think we might have raised about $7000. We’re hoping to raise about that much again.”

In addition to directly supporting Wimmera families affected by cancer, WACK also donates to the Ronald McDonald House charity, which provides accommodation to families with seriously ill children.

Since first donating to Ronald McDonald House more than 20 years ago, WACK has given more than $95,000 to the charity.

Ronald McDonald House Victoria and Tasmania chief executive Peter Bishop will travel to attend this month’s barbecue and described WACK’s support as ‘wonderful’.

“It’s been a great area of support for us. WACK has donated nearly $100,000 towards Ronald McDonald House over a significant period of time,” he said.

“It started off as mates looking after mates. There was a family who stayed at the house in the early days, and they’ve continued to support us for more than 20 years.

“We have families that need to use our facilities who come from the Wimmera, so we’re happy to have that connection.

“This money helps us keep the facilities up to scratch so we can support those families.”

People can purchase tickets for the WACK barbecue by visiting the Bull and Mouth Hotel at 83 Wilson St, Horsham.

Bookings are essential and places are limited.