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    HAPPILY EVER AFTER: Horsham College students are deep into rehearsals for their annual production – they will stage Snow White on August 15, 16 and 17 at Horsham Town Hall. Students across various departments are having strong input into the production, from making mood boards, to creating, sketching and constructing steampunk-style hats for costumes, and more. Pictured is Paige Millar as Snow White and Henry Overman as Prince Florian, with dwarfs, from left, Annabelle Gregor, Amara Crooks, Zoe Brennan, Amelia Altmann, Indy Webb, Casey Westmoreland and Clara Shirrefs at rehearsals. Picture: PAUL CARRACHER
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    Imogen Stockdale, Sophie Miller, Ella van Duren, Angle Ochieng and Natalie Gregor at rehearsals for Horsham College production of Snow White.
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    Asha McGennisken and Sienna Walsgott at rehearsals for Horsham College production of Snow White.

A happy, grumpy, sleepy production for Horsham College's Snow White

By Bronwyn Hastings

Horsham College students across all levels are preparing to stage their annual production – in a detailed, cross-curricular way.

Producer Emily ‘Freddy’ Friedrichsen said a mix of student agency and cross-curricular learning had steered the production of this year’s show Snow White.

“We have made an effort to incorporate a real student agency and student voice this year,” Ms Friedrichsen said.

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“We have integrated a lot of the school’s curriculum into the production, from year eight theatre studies to the Sketchy As art class, students are pulling scripts apart and learning them, creating mood boards, and designing sets themselves.

“It’s all applied learning, from the idea, to the construction, to the final piece – they are taking real pride in what they’re doing. 

“They can say ‘I painted that’, and ‘I designed that’.”

Ms Friedrichsen said the Sketchy As art class was learning hatching with a pencil, with students required to produce a sketch.

“I got them to be creative and sketch a steampunk hat. They had a go at drawing cogs and doing shading, which will lead to constructing their designs to be part of the costumes. 

“Other pieces from the lead-up to the production will be on display in the foyer during the show, such as the mood boards, to show all the cross-curricular connections and how students have taken ownership of their learning.”

Although it has been a slow recovery since Covid-19 limited school activities, including productions, Ms Friedrichsen said there had been an incredible response this year.

“Only 12 students auditioned last year, but from the success of that performance and rebuilding after Covid, we now have more than 60 students involved – there are 42 cast members and 20 crew members, which is awesome. 

“They are having a ball.”

Playing Prince Lorenzo is 15-year-old Henry Overman.

“It’s my first-ever role,” he said.

“The production is pretty much the same at the movie, just with a few extra people – I’m really looking forward to it.”

In her first lead role is Paige Millar, 16, who rehearsed for ‘Matilda’, but Covid-19 restrictions prevented its staging.

She has performed minor roles in Horsham Arts Council productions.

“We only started a couple of weeks ago, I’m still learning lines, but I reckon we’ll get it done,” she said.

Ms Friedrichsen said the production had again been a major process, but the cast and crew were doing an ‘absolutely sensational job’.

“It’s always hard yakka, but when you watch those kids on stage opening night and see the smiles on their faces, it’s just awesome,” she said.

“Words cannot describe the feeling it gives me.”

Tickets are on sale at Horsham Town Hall website or box office, for 7.30pm shows on August 15, 16 and 17.

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