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    Annie Hobby, Horsham Urban Landcare co-ordinator.

Nature into art

Wimmera people have a chance to combine nature and art during a workshop at Horsham Neighbourhood House on Sunday.

Named Creative Foraging, it will involve participants exploring, drawing and collecting at the Horsham Police Paddock and then combining these inspirations on a canvas at the neighbourhood house.

The event, organised by Horsham Urban Landcare, will be led by Simone Dalton and coincides with the Art is … Festival.

Horsham Urban Landcare facilitator Annie Hobby said it was the first time the group had combined foraging with art.

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“Once onsite, the sketching and collection is done, we will spend the rest of the day back at the house using paints, stencils, leaves, charcoal and drawings to create unique works of art,” she said.

The event is open to anyone 12 years and over, with each participant to receive a sketching journal and canvas to take home. 

Lunch is supplied. 

Cost is $25 for HUL members and $35 for non-members. 

Registrations are essential at

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