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LETTER: Fill Natimuk Lake

SIR, – Why can’t Natimuk Lake be filled like Lake Lascelles at Hopetoun?

After holidays at Lake Lascelles we witnessed a wonderful community of volunteers and workers turning up daily to work around the lake doing maintenance and keeping it beautiful.

This lake is magic and has made Hopetoun stand out on the map, not just for us, but Australia-wide.

Yarriambiack Shire would have to be one of the most progressive in Victoria, with the Silo Art Trail and lakes filled by GWMWater all the way to Ouyen.

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Brim Lake – suitable for water-skiing, fishing with caravan and camping ground – filled by GWMWater.

Beulah – Another full lake suitable for skiing and a lovely campground – filled by GWMWater.

Lake Lascelles – Free camping, a caravan park, fishing, skiing – filled by GMWWater.

Ouyen – Brand-new lake, formerly a swamp – filled by GWMWater. 

Natimuk Lake also has a band of willing workers who would do the same for their lake. 

All they need is the water. If they say it can’t be done, of course it can. If water can go to Ouyen it can get to Natimuk Lake.

Natimuk township has a lot going for it, with Mt Arapiles at its doorstep, a great pub, craft and furniture shops, milkbar and attractions.

Natimuk deserves this. It’s the only township in the area that doesn’t have a swimming pool. So why can’t this happen?

If you want tourists – caravanners are in droves looking for parks and free camping around water.

At Hopetoun we couldn’t get a park in the main street for caravans, which is wonderful for Hopetoun shops and keeping their town alive.

Come on Horsham Rural City Council and GWMWater. We need this for our area. Let’s get it moving for summer and boost tourism for our area.

Jennifer Delaney


The entire October 14, 2020 edition of The Weekly Advertiser is available online. READ IT HERE!